Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008 Goals

They're mostly knocking around my head, so I'm going to put them here, so that other things can take up residence.
1. Lose weight. I have a lot to lose. Heck, Patrick's seven and a half months old and I'm still wearing maternity clothes! Not a good look. At the moment I'm not going to do a diet plan or anything like that. In fact I'm going to start pretty small _ walking to work as many days as possible (which is a good 30-40 minute walk) and cutting down on the sweet stuff.
2. Pay off stupidly gigantic power bill. Don't ask.
3. Spend less
4. Write every day
5. Buy tea less often
6. Catch up with review books
7. Keep up with Classic books project
8. Finish more than two cross stitch projects
9. Stop striving to seek balance. I know that sounds odd, but honestly that stresses me out more than anything. So I'm going to try and do what I need/want to do at the time and listen to my body when it says I need rest.
10. Spend less time on the internet.
That'll do, I think!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They sound like good goals to me. Apart from the power bill, mine will be pretty similar.

10:29 pm  

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